March 18th - Candy Cheapskate Night
It's the best value of the week, and arguably the most fun session of the week. It's the truly affordable CheapSkate Night! It happens every Tuesday evening from 6:30-8:30pm. The cost? Cheap - $8.50 including quad skate rental! The fun? Themes - different themes and events each week. What make's this Tuesday night so special? It's Candy Cheapskate Night! Only Halloween will be the closest competition for your Dentist's most unfavorable day. We'll be celebrating everything candy - Candy Crush, candy prizes, cotton candy - we'll even be having a Candy Toss on the skating floor for the kids at 7:30pm - we dump buckets of candy on the floor and the kids scramble to grab as much as they can. We'll be playing your song requests plus any and all 'candy-related' songs! Please, no passes or coupons.