Batting Cages

  • Batting-Cage-1_small
  • Batting-Cage-3_small
  • battingcages3
  • Cage 1 Machine - Smaller 10 x 6
  • batting2

The Dugout at FunLand Chico

Offering 7 different stations, The Dugout is Chico's only batting cage facility. We offer 3 speeds of baseball and 2 speeds of softball. It's the perfect location to improve your game or just let off some steam. We supply the bats and required helmets, but feel free to bring your own. The cages can be operated by batting tokens or rented by time for your team (or yourself). The Dugout is located outside and open to the elements so if the weather is too excessively hot, wet, or very windy, there might be restrictions or closures. Call the Dugout attendant to find out the current status at 343-UBAT (343-8228), and for time rental reservation information.

Batting Cage Spring Hours

Weather Permitting!

Mondays - Thursdays: 2:30pm - 8:30pm
Fridays: 1:30pm - 9:00pm  
Saturdays: 12:00pm  - 9:00pm  
Sundays: 12:00pm - 7:30pm  

Batting Cage Pricing

Pricing includes bat and helmet rental

1 Token (20 pitches): $2.00 
Value Deal #1 (5 tokens/100 pitches): $8.50
Value Deal #2 (8 tokens/160 pitches): $12.00
V.I.B. Card (29 tokens): $29.00
Thursday Special - (6 tokens): $7.00